Aikido is a modern martial art developed by the founder Morihei Ueshiba(1883 - 1969)who mastered secrets of Japanese traditional Bujyutsu(the art of battle)and experienced hardship of spiritual discipline. It aims unification of body, mind and ki (internal energy).
Aikido is a unique culture and martial arts of Japan.
Through Aikido, we aim to cultivate mental flexibility that can respond sensitively to various situations together with physical training.

There is no attack technique from yourself in Aikido. If you receive an attack from the other party, we aim to control the opponent by using that momentum.
It is a martial art that is the opposite from a concept of “victory goes to the one who makes the first move”. It includes the traditional Japanese spiritual element that pays respects to peace. It also contains a very reasonable aspect in that one can deal with actual attacks.

There is no competition in Aikido. Trainees basically practice techniques to use against various attacks repeatedly. By doing so, trainees can acquire not only techniques but also strong mentality and flexible mind even in case of an emergency and act without hesitation.

At Seizankai, trainees are diverse in terms of nationality, age, gender and occupation. This allows people to learn different values and interact naturally while practicing taking into consideration of each other’s physical strength and proficiency.
In aikido, there is no competition, no superiority. Trainees make effort to improve his/her skill while respecting each other. It is a martial arts suitable in this age where it is desired to bond each other whilst independence is respected and weight of life is emphasized.

Martial arts are originated from the spirit of Japanese ancient times’ Shobu(尚武), the spirit which takes highly of bushido(武士道), developed through a long history and a transition of society.
The martial arts charter below is the Japan Budo Association's basic guidelines set forth for the new development of martial arts.

Objective Article 1 Through physical and mental training in the Japanese martial ways, budo exponents seek to build their character, enhance their sense of judgement, and become disciplined individuals capable of making contributions to society at large.
Keiko(Training) Article 2 When training in budo, practitioners must always act with respect and courtesy, adhere to the prescribed fundamentals of the art, and resist the temptation to pursue mere technical skill rather than strive towards the perfect unity of mind, body and technique.
Shiai(Competition) Article 3 Whether competing in a match or doing set forms(kata), exponents must externalize the spirit underlying budo. They must do their best at all times, winning with modestry, accepting defeat gracefully, and constantly exhibiting self-control.
Dojo (Training Hall) Article 4 The Dojo is a special place for training the mind and body. In the dojo, budo practitioners must maintain discipline, and show proper courtesies and respect. The dojo should be a quiet, clean, safe, and solemn environment.
Teaching 5th article Teachers of budo should always encourage others to also strive to better themselves and diligently train their minds and bodies, while continuing to further their understanding of the technical principles of budo. Teachers should not allow focus to be put on winning or logins in competition, or on technical ability alone. Above all, teachers have a responsibility to set an example as role models.
Promoting Budo Article 6 Person promoting budo must maintain an open-minded and international perspective as they uphold traditional values. They should make efforts to contribute to research and teaching and do their utmost to advance budo in every way.

Established on April 2, 1984 by The Japan Budo Association